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Higher Purpose is the name of our Corporate Social Responsibility programme. As a socially conscious company we are steeped in projects involved with young adults and children from the less privileged areas of Nairobi because these organisations help in building these young men and women into self respecting and responsible young adults who are going to take up leadership positions in their respective communities.

At the moment we are working with JERICHO BOXING CLUB and MICHEZO HALISI KENYA  


Michezo Halisi is a community based organisation that focuses on nurturing and bringing about positive change in the society through sports. Based in the Eastside of Nairobi is this noble project with different football teams ranging from U-8's all the way to U-18's.

From engaging in Community clean ups, facilitating remedial classes during school breaks, conducting tree planting exercises and having keen focus on matters education for the children within the setup coming from needy backgrounds makes this organisation exactly the kind of partners that we want to work with.

One of the Co-founders, Joel Achola popularly known as "Coach Lule"will be clocking 30 years in community service this year having begun in 1994 with MYSA, KENYA  and even having went on to have served as the area Member of County Assembly (M.C.A) having been forced to vie by the same community he served because of his selfless service to the community nurturing the small boys and girls into responsible young men and women leading them away from a life of crime and delinquency.

Being a polite and empathetic man with a big heart, he has also worked with kids in Juvenile institutions and it is for this very reason that we all know that the kids are in good hands. Joel was also our C.E.O's very first football coach!


The other Co-Founder, Director Geoffrey Kipchumba, is a BIO-CHEM major having attained his honors at the prestigious UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI and tends to lean more towards the administrative aspects of this program making sure that everything is in place for operations to be undertaken properly. 


Roughly one kilometer away from Michezo Halisi's base of Mbotela Estate is JERICHO BOXING CLUB . Jericho has always had a reputation of being one of the city's most notorious neighborhoods with regards to crime ranging from mugging, carjacking and bank robberies but all this is slowly changing courtesy of Jericho Boxing Club.

Most of the young men engaging in crime are quite young rumbling with testesterone but with boxing as an avenue they have a place to tame and relieve the aggressive energy that comes with being a youth. 

Jericho Estate has produced some of Kenya's finest men and women from an Olympic gold medallist in boxing ROBERT WANGILA , a former GOVERNMENT EDUCATION CABINET SECRETARY and UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI  CHANCELLOR THE LATE GEORGE MAGOHA and quite probably the most renowned of all being P.L.O LUMUMBA , one of the the most revered speakers in all of Africa and most polished of statesmen. 

Here you will find a good bunch of quite polished young men and women whose behavior is quite contrary to their choice of sport as boxing is usually seen as a sport for the brutes, deviants and delinquents. In boxing  (as is the case with all types of martial arts) discipline is key with discipline ranging from obedience to your coaches, respect for your team mates and sparring partners to the gym equipment. All this culminates into these young men and women growing up to be calm , collected and productive members of society via sport.

Courtesy of our collaboration with JERICHO BOXING CLUB, these young men and women engage in community work going past boxing into communal clean ups, tree planting exercises along with improving their educational levels through facilitating educational scholarships to High schools and Tertiary institutions with an intent to widen their perspective towards life through education.

The two Coaches, Coach Elijah and Coach Bisto are quite warm with the kids but still very strict as they all say not only are they building athletes but most importantly men and women who are going to contribute to the progress of greater society.  The two coaches have a combined 60 years of experience in boxing as they both competed in the Kenyan boxing leagues back when they were younger.

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